The definitions in our glossary are primarily sourced from Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary and Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute. We have made slight modifications where needed for brevity and to better tailor the definitions to the specific needs of users of this website. For more detailed explanations of the terms, users are encouraged to review the definitions on these websites or conduct their own independent research.
Vavra v. Honeywell
Plaintiff, a former employee of Defendant, alleged that he was fired for voicing objections to Defendant's implicit bias training initiative.
Court granted summary judgment to Defendant. Court held that there was no evidence that the training was racially discriminatory, and further held that Plaintiff's refusal to take the training was not protected activity under Title VII.
In addition, the court held that although Plaintiff engaged in protected activity by writing complaint emails, Plaintiff pointed to no evidence that his employment was terminated for engaging in such protected activity.
U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois
Filed December 23, 2021 | Appealed
Litigation History