The definitions in our glossary are primarily sourced from Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary and Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute. We have made slight modifications where needed for brevity and to better tailor the definitions to the specific needs of users of this website. For more detailed explanations of the terms, users are encouraged to review the definitions on these websites or conduct their own independent research.
Palsgaard et al v. Christian et al
Plaintiffs are professors in California Community Colleges who oppose California DEIA rules for “forcing professors to endorse the government’s view on politically charged questions regarding [DEIA],” by requiring them to, among other things, teach in a manner reflecting “DEIA and anti-racist principles” and to “promote[] a race-conscious and intersectional lens.”
Defendants argue that Plaintiffs lack standing, and that the relevant regulations and guidelines are merely advisory and non-binding — they do not restrict speech, compel any particular speech, or include any enforcement mechanism for disciplining anyone for expressing any particular viewpoint.
U.S. District Court, Eastern District of California
Filed August 17, 2023 | Settled
On July 26, 2024, Plaintiff voluntarily dismissed all claims against all Defendants, bringing this matter to a close.