Alexandre et al v., Inc. et al


Plaintiffs brought a class action challenge to Defendant’s “diversity grant” program in which eligible Black, Latino, and Native American “delivery service partners” (DSPs) receive $10,000 to assist with startup costs.


Plaintiffs have appealed the district court's decision to dismiss their complaint. The district court found that Plaintiffs failed to show that they were experiencing concrete, specific, and actual or imminent harm by the program, and therefore lacked standing to bring their claims.

Defendants ask the Court of Appeals to uphold the district court's decision, arguing that Plaintiffs are "offended observers" who were not personally affected by the alleged discrimination, as they would not have qualified for the grant even without the disputed criteria.


Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals


Filed June 06, 2024 | Ongoing

Relevant Law

Section 1981State law

California Civil Code, Sections 51 and 51.5


This case is very similar to Bolduc v. Amazon and demonstrates the importance of standing as a shield against anti-DEI claims.